Crystal TON staking is now available in Lumi for all our users.

Here you can find information on how to get started with Crystal TON in our wallet and how to activate your Crystal TON wallet.

How to do Crystal TON staking step by step:

- After opening the app, choose Crystal TON,

- Select the Invest option,

- Fill in the amount of TON to stake,

- Re-check all the details and confirm.
How to stake TON Crystal in LUMI Wallet?

The minimum amount of staking at the moment is 100 TON.

Commission for staking

In the app, the commission is 0,5 TON, however, the resulting amount may slightly change or increase/decrease after the transaction. You will be charged only the amount that requires for the transaction.


When you staking TON Crystal, it provides an average 5% growth in assets per year in general. The profit depends on the number of assets you are staking.

DePool Commission

Each DePool owner takes a % of the reward for using the network. So far, only one DePool is available in Lumi with a commission of 8%.

How to stop staking Crystal TON step by step:

- After opening the app, choose Crystal TON,

- Select Manage Wallets,

- Choose DePool "Brown Surf",

- Withdraw your reward by clicking the Withdraw,

- Check details (commission will be applied) and confirm,

- Receive your reward within 2-3 days due to the network load.

How to stake TON Crystal in LUMI Wallet?

Check out our Lumi blog for information about Crystal TON Staking.